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Terminator Genisys Movie - Official Trailer

«Terminator Genisys» is a film about the last remaining humans from the killing of the Terminator (robots). They fight sacrificed when the last breath in a war with the Terminator to the last hope of mankind. But the Terminator is the most powerful people not be able to resist, it was decided to send to the valiant past to change the future and avoid the disaster of the world not to occur. How could they do such a project? In this very difficult mission and meet the greatest obstacle. This is the time for all the fans who want to gain experience in watching movies in 3D big screen with 4K cold and clear eyes in theaters Major Cineplex Aeon Mall Shopping Center 2nd Floor. «Major Cineplex» a theater first and only one in the country that brought the experience movies in the category 4DX (3D), which is equipped with a seat can move by, including firing air Lightning fog smell, vibration and water etc., depending on the situation in the film.
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